Colombia's Call of the Mountain: Restoring the Heart of Sumapaz
The Kunagua Network in the mountains south of Bogotá hosted the 17th edition of this gathering, a Colombian version of the Vision Council, this time with the purpose of preserving and regenerating the Colombian paramos. Text by José Aristizábal G. with editions from Tracy Barnett and Angélica Almazán. SUMAPAZ, COLOMBIA — On the cool, rolling […]
The Parable of the Humane Philanthropist
You have probably heard a variation of the story, “The Star Thrower,” about a man who comes across a young girl walking along a beach throwing starfish back into the sea. In one version he says: “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t […]
The Rainbow Path of the Coyote: EcoSapien Interview with Alberto Ruz
One of the principal founders of the Vision Council – Guardians of the Earth is also an icon for the World Rainbow Community since the seventies. “Coyote” Alberto Ruz Buenfil is a visionary revolutionary who has been planting seeds of change in every step of his way. Alberto, a native of Mexico born in 1945, […]
The Change Weavers: From Charity to Justice
Two years ago, Clement Guerrá was immersed in the film project of his life: The Condor & the Eagle, an award-winning environmental justice film documenting the fight of Indigenous people from Canada to the Amazon to defend their territories from petroleum, mining and other extractive industries. But for the French filmmaker, making the film was […]
Removing Racism, one statue at a time
With axes, hammers and ropes, a group of activists called by the Supreme Indigenous Council of Michoacán demolished part of the monument called Los Constructores (The Builders) on February 14.
The Postman Of The Four Winds: Echoes Of Tlatelolco
Huehuecóyotl, Tepoztlán, Morelos — My first meeting with Maestro Antonio Velasco Piña took place during the launch of his best-known work, Regina: 2 de Octubre no se Olvida (Regina: Oct. 2 will not be forgotten), which took place in the auditorium of the El Sótano bookstore, located on Miguel Ángel Quevedo Avenue in a neighborhood […]
Nature, Covid-19 and Species Fear
We are living in a dangerous time, where everything depends on humanity managing to overcome what is the second period of maximum risk in its history (the first occurred when the Homo sapiens population was reduced to a minimum and trapped on the coasts of South Africa due to the effects of extreme freezing weather).
The Blackfoot Wisdom that Inspired Maslow's Hierarchy
Some months ago, I was telling a friend that I had come across unpublished papers by Abraham Maslow suggesting changes to his famous Hierarchy of Needs. Roberto Rivera, Executive Director of Alliance for the 7th Generation, was familiar with the subject and turned me on to something else I didn’t know.
7 Immigration Myths We Must Unlearn to Reclaim Our Humanity
There haven’t been many moments of joy in the US immigration space these past four years. But March brought celebration to the borderlands as we witnessed the good guys — and gals — prevail over the evil villain, Hollywood-style — if only for a moment. That’s when we saw men, women, and children crossing the […]
México: The 4th Transformation in a Global Context
It is becoming clear that the future of the planet is red and green. It is equally clear that Mexico’s situation is neither exclusive nor unique, but rather replicates what is happening on a global scale, where the citizens of the world take on diverse forces in order to reduce, stop or suppress the double exploitation that a minority of minorities is imposing on the work of humans and of nature. The enormous ignorance prevailing among leaders and theorists of Mexican emancipation about what is taking place in the rest of the world, limits and reveals them. It is not only about keeping in mind the social and environmental struggles of Latin America, but of many other regions.
Love & Waste Aboard a Bus Called Home
In reference to the Vietnam War and President Nixon’s “Pentagon Papers,” whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, decried: “They hear it, they learn from it, they understand it, and they proceed to ignore it.” Both my personal and professional lives focus on how we can re-interpret “information” in order to embody our interdependencies. How can we learn to […]
Putting the Heart Back in the Valley by Putting the Fire Back in the Ground
“Restoration of habitats and regenerative, localized food production need to be foundational in our economies moving forward. We should be turning resources towards these efforts with the same vigor the destruction and depletion was carried out with. Sucking the life out of our lands while polluting the water to grow human fodder void of nutrition […]
Modern Civilization and Its People Without Spirit
“The world is at the most dangerous moment in human history,” says Noam Chomsky, a leading U.S. intellectual. His statement could not be more audacious. Today to the global climate crisis must be added the danger of a nuclear war, the disability of democratic mechanisms (the United States and Brazil, inhabited by more than 500 million, are governed by two insane beings elected by their own citizens) and Covid-19. The pandemic has not only turned the world upside down; it has also brought humanity completely to its knees.
'We’re not feminists, we’re the law'
Film tells how the matrilineal Iroquois Confederacy has been influencing public policy over time.
Finding Light in the Darkness: Esperanza shines through a year of trials
It was a year that this roving reporter began in a refugee camp, taking inspiration from the asylum seekers who had passed through hell to arrive at our borders, and from the people from both sides of the border who had shown up to accompany and support them. We all sensed it would be a […]
Enlightening Our Way Together with Chief Phil
For many thousands who have tuned into his work, Hereditary Chief Phil Lane has been a beacon in a time of powerful transition. His work over the decades to unify the human family through his Four Worlds International Institute has taken him all over the world, and now he is consolidating that work in a […]
Native youth center, rebounding from double whammy
MINNEAPOLIS – Only eight months after the grand opening of their newly renovated building, staff at the Native youth center MIGIZI watched as fast-moving flames, spread during the May protests in Minneapolis, destroyed it. Now, six months after the fire, staff, students and volunteers are looking ahead to a new beginning in the form of […]
As I write, Venus is rising in the East on a day that portends so much. According to our traditions here in Mexico and many other places, the spirits of our dead are here among us still. I seize the moment to send up a prayer to all who are listening: Please, share your light […]
Blue October: The month that was, the future that will be
As I write, a very red Mars is approaching a Blue Moon – the second full moon of the season, and the first blue moon on a Halloween in a long, long time. Astrologers are having a field day with the particular lineup of planets that are traversing our heavens this election season, and while […]
Caravan of Unity 2020: A Personal Perspective
This weekend the Unity.Earth Peace Caravan, which has defied racial and political division and pandemic to create a wave of unity across the nation, will come to a close on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. after a series of heart-opening performances, presentations and sharings by leading artists and leaders of the New Thought and […]
Monday Mourning Jailhouse Reflections
Art, non-violent civil disobedience and protest do work. While I am proud of the action, I want to talk about a part of this work that few folks are discussing — how we can and must continue the work where it is needed most: IN THE JAILS.
The Search For A New Community
Every intellectual had a “draft of a new community in his waistcoat pocket.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson We have reached a new epoch in our planet’s history. Few can look at the increasingly authoritarian tendencies across the globe, the mass stress-fueled migrations, the degradation of the environment, the increasingly chaotic climate, and the fragility of […]
In this time of great awakening, as a small microorganism humbles us to take this Great Pause, Earth Sky Woman wakes within each of us — Sacred Woman, Man, and Child. She is the bridge marrying Earth and Sky, She ignites within us the Holy Alchemy of the Sacred Human — at once mortal and divine.
For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan’s beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them?
Once this global epidemic has calmed, the economy will be in a similar state as the 1930s with millions of workers out of their jobs. But this can be a blessing in disguise.
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