The New Face of American Resistance: A Day in the Heartland
COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, USA — On a bitter January afternoon, hundreds of citizens crowded into a community room in this college town, their winter coats piled in corners, their breath still visible from the cold. They had come to weave their resistance to an administration about to take power in Washington – though inside, the atmosphere […]
Wixárika community takes back financial autonomy in historic vote
In a forceful step against corruption and discrimination, San Sebastián voted to manage their own federal tax dollars — joining the ranks of a growing number of indigenous communities in Mexico. And they will do so with women at the table under an agreement of gender parity, a rarity among Indigenous governments and, indeed, governments in general.
My Manifesto: Toward a Politics for Life
We are now entering a stage in which a vision of the world is being defined with greater clarity — one that requires dealing with a supreme dilemma between collapse or civilizational transformation, between extinction or survival. It is about confronting the forces of destruction that today mark the future of the modern world and […]
Nature, Covid-19 and Species Fear
We are living in a dangerous time, where everything depends on humanity managing to overcome what is the second period of maximum risk in its history (the first occurred when the Homo sapiens population was reduced to a minimum and trapped on the coasts of South Africa due to the effects of extreme freezing weather).
Victor Toledo: From Capitalism to 'Buen Vivir'
Faced with the crisis that humanity is experiencing, does politics make any sense? We have repeatedly pointed out that every political project will gradually become a policy for or against life. This sharp demarcation results from the deepening of the crisis of modern civilization, which is increasingly evident. All the ideological positions captured by political […]
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