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7 Immigration Myths We Must Unlearn to Reclaim Our Humanity

The time for a paradigmatic shift in how Americans view immigrants and immigration is now

There haven’t been many moments of joy in the US immigration space these past four years. But March brought celebration to the borderlands as we witnessed the good guys — and gals — prevail over the evil villain, Hollywood-style — if only for a moment. That’s when we saw men, women, and children crossing the […]

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Letter to Joe and Jill: Tear Down Those Walls!

It's time to make the humanitarian crisis at the border and in detention centers throughout the country a top priority.

As we prepare to close the doors on the horrors of the Trump Administration, President Elect Joe Biden will have his hands full trying to restore order and peace in the United States. He will have a long list of wrongs to right, and high among them should be the humanitarian crisis wreaked upon the […]

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Time to turn the page on Trump's Seven Deadly Immigration Sins

Reflections from upcoming book from the frontlines of a manufactured crisis

With less than a week to Election Day, the eyes of the world are on the United States. What happens next Tuesday is of grave importance not only to the future of the planet but to many hundreds of thousands of its inhabitants as well. Perhaps no issue is more demonstratively clear in terms of […]

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The Education of a US Border Patrol Agent

A peek into America’s most troubled law enforcement agency with former Senior Border Patrol Agent turned immigration activist, Jenn Budd

She had no idea what she was getting herself into. Raised in Huntsville, Alabama, daughter of liberal parents who’d been active in the Civil Rights Movement, Jenn Budd graduated from Auburn University in 1995 buried in debt. Before realizing her goal of going to law school, she decided to get some real world experience and […]

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The Cruelest Policy of All: Family Separation 

Jodi Goodwin spearheaded the first legal triage effort to free parents from ICE and reunite them with their children kidnapped by Uncle Sam

One day deep in June 2018 — she can’t remember the exact day because she’d been working seven days a week, 16 hours a day, at least, since April — Jodi Goodwin received a curious phone call. It was from a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officer stationed at the Port Isabel Detention Center (PIDC), where her most […]

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For Jennifer Harbury, It’s Déjà Vu at the Border

Where the impunity of the Central American Dirty Wars now crosses this human rights warrior’s doorstep, Trump & Co victimize the victims

The gang came for “Sam” on his 15th birthday. He’d said “no” to them before. This time, they gave him an ultimatum: Join us or die. But poor though his family was, Sam did not want to enter a world of crime and brutality from which there was no escape. The gang, born in Los […]

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Migrant Caravan: On the Other Side

Immigration lawyer’s  journey has unexpected consequences

If I had to estimate how many immigrants and refugees I have met in detention centers, the number would be in the thousands. Since 2014, in my capacity as an immigration lawyer,  I have volunteered in family detention facilities in New Mexico and Texas. Now, the legal services organization I lead, Santa Fe Dreamers Project, […]

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