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Evo Morales, the plurinational president
By Tracy L. Barnett Posted in Indigenous Peoples, Latin America, Mexico, Mexico City on February 26, 2010
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Forget Barak Obama – he’s so 2009. Evo Morales is the new rock star president, as I learned in Coyoacan this weekend. A sea of enthusiastic people of every ethnicity waited for hours in the hot sun to hear his plea for a more just society, one that provides a dignified life for all and respects the rights of the Pachamama, Mother Earth. His rousing speech was preceded with performances by indigenous dancers and musicians and a Four Directions ceremony.

Here are a few scenes from the rally on Sunday.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Bolivia Evo Morales indigenous rights Mother Earth Bill of Rights Pachamama

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