Moira Millán: 'A telluric movement is awakening the women of the Earth'
Moira Millán is a force to be reckoned with — a weychafe in the Mapuche tradition, or as she explains it, a warrior, a fighter, a defender. “To be a Weychafe is to be the defense of the territory, the defense of life. And that is the spirit that inhabits me.” Moira had just traveled […]
Watch The Condor & The Eagle With Us!
As we work to prevent the spread of COVID-19, environmental racism is presenting a deadly parallel threat for Indigenous peoples across North and South America who continue to defend their lands and waters, protecting their territories from extraction and the pandemic. Meanwhile, the climate crisis has not paused as we battle racialized violence and COVID-19. On […]
Reflections from Mapuche Territory
Moira Millán, author, activist and traditional Mapuche weychafe (warrior, guardian) has been living the quarantine in the isolation of her remote lof (community) in the Patagonian mountains, a community slowly being built on stolen land that she and her people have reclaimed. To send this piece she had to face roadblocks, hide from spying neighbors, […]
Native Flower Rebellion in Argentina
As the Extinction Rebellion shuts down the system in the North, Indigenous women in Argentina stage an uprising of their own. The Native Flower Rebellion, they are calling it: an occupation of “self-convoked” Mapuche, Qom and other Indigenous women have traveled from all corners of the republic to demand an accounting from their government, and to unite in a powerful message: The Terricide must stop.
Mapuche Motherhood in the Age of Benetton
Millions of feminist compañeras are claiming their rights as women in a parallel struggle of a nation for its self-determination. But I must ask about the role of Mapuche women in this process. Is there sorority with Mapuche women? Our right to maternity according to our own cosmovision is being crushed in our own territory.
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