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Mario Marlo
Mario Marlo

Photographer and journalist committed to the defense of the territory. Director of Somos El Medio.

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Mexican government offers apology to dam-affected communities

Last week, in a historic moment marked by the town, representatives of the federal and state governments came to the village to deliver an official apology to the townspeople for the imposition of El Zapotillo Dam.

By Mario Marlo Posted in Activism, Megadams on June 21, 2024 Continue reading
Guardian of Temaca: “I had to see with my own eyes”

Mexican village wins fight to pierce the megadam that threatened to inundate them

TEMACAPULÍN, Jalisco, Mexico — The fight was clearly worth it, was the feeling of the residents of this colonial town, who showed up punctually to observe the destruction of part of the curtain of the El Zapotillo Dam, a megaproject that threatened to flood the town along with two of its neighboring villages, Acasico and […]

By Mario Marlo Posted in Megadams, Mexico, Water, Territory and Resistance on April 13, 2023 Continue reading

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