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Monday Mourning Jailhouse Reflections

Elizabeth Vega on rebellion, solidarity and revolutionary love from inside a Louisville jail cell

Art, non-violent civil disobedience and protest do work. While I am proud of the action, I want to talk about a part of this work that few folks are discussing — how we can and must continue the work where it is needed most: IN THE JAILS.

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Redneck Revolutionary

How a red-state rebel turned off Rush Limbaugh and became the volunteer sanitation engineer and everyday hero for a refugee camp

Whatever I was expecting, Brendon Tucker was not it. A young man with a big presence in the Brownsville/Matamoros humanitarian community, he’s the Angry Tías favorite nephew and Team Brownsville’s prodigal son; the backbone of GRM and the right and left hands of Resource Center Matamoros (RCM). While only 25, his journey here is fascinating, for Tucker was brought up on a diet of right-wing media and racist bile.

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