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4 articles filed in
Guardians of the Earth
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Call of the Turtle: LIVE Mini-Vision Council on Sunday

Join us for a small taste of this south-of-the-border phenomenon that has transformed lives and communities throughout the continent.

The Call of the Turtle, a Mini Vision Council Sun. Aug 7, gives a small taste of this south-of-the-border phenomenon that has transformed lives and communities throughout the continent.

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EcoSapien Speaker Series + 'Call of the Turtle' Mini Vision Council

Monthlong Convergence highlights visionaries, activists, elders and thought leaders who are restoring sacred culture in the Americas

This monumental monthlong convergence features conversations with indigenous visionaries and activists, eco-elders in the fields of bioregionalism, ecovillage design, permaculture, earth-regeneration and humans we see as helping us connect to our animist roots while restoring elements of sacred culture. 

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Call of the Water

XV Vision Council harvests solutions for threatened Lagoon of Seven Colors in Bacalar

Left: Cayuco Maya, the venue for the XV Vision Council, “Call of the Water,” was held on the shores of Bacalar Lagoon. Foreground: The Rainbow Peace Caravan’s Circus Tent has been a trademark gathering space for two decades in Vision Councils from Peru to Mexico. BACALAR, Quintana Roo, Mexico — The XV Vision Council – […]

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The Call of the Sage: The seed has sprouted

Left and above: First Encounter, Vision Council: Call of the Sage – Teopantli Kalpulli. By Laura Angélica Almazán The call of the caracol has called us together once again. The family has reunited one more time to continue with a mission that started more than two decades ago, and gets more and more relevant every year. The […]

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