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2 articles filed in
child detention
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Christmas in Tornillo

Occupation at “concentration camp for children” strives to waken America's soul

TORNILLO, TEXAS –  Juan Ortiz is putting the last touches on the Christmas tree he is constructing from the plastic water jugs left for thirsty migrants in the desert. The jugs were a donation from No More Deaths, a volunteer organization that faces trial for assisting the migrants – one of whom is facing up […]

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From Ferguson to the Frontera

Elizabeth Vega: “Music and art should be the heartbeat of every movement.”

Elizabeth Vega has been incorporating art into her own work – as a journalist, a poet, a hospice and social worker and an activist – for decades. But it wasn’t until the shooting death of Mike Brown at the hands of St. Louis police officers that she began to truly understand the power of art […]

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