Monday Mourning Jailhouse Reflections
Art, non-violent civil disobedience and protest do work. While I am proud of the action, I want to talk about a part of this work that few folks are discussing — how we can and must continue the work where it is needed most: IN THE JAILS.
Video Series: Juneteenth Voices Demand Change
In the wake of the nationwide rebellion ignited by the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the hands of police office Derek Chauvin and his three accomplices on the Minneapolis Police Department, the nation — and the world — have risen in outrage. As the nation enters its fourth week of the resulting […]
Elizabeth Vega has been incorporating art into her own work – as a journalist, a poet, a hospice and social worker and an activist – for decades. But it wasn’t until the shooting death of Mike Brown at the hands of St. Louis police officers that she began to truly understand the power of art […]
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